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June, Week 4: Teen invents coronavirus watch, supporting street vendors, feeding bees

On Father's Day, a video of a family buying every paleta from 70-year-old ice cream vendor Rosario Del Real in Chicago went viral. The family bought all of his product so he could spend Father's Day at home instead of working, spending $130 for a total of 65 paletas.

A GoFundMe page was set up for Del Real in the hopes of helping him retire. The effort raised more than $62,000 in its first week.

Four years ago, the farmers at Dingley Dell Pork in Suffolk, UK, planted 81 acres of nectar-rich wildflowers around their pig site. When the farmers, brothers Mark and Paul Hayward, along with Mark's daughter Grace, decided to make a count of the bees, they realised that their plants were feeding 1,186,300 bees at any one time.

They planted a seed mix of phacelia, sainfoin, bird's-foot trefoil, aslike clover, musk mallow, campion and vetch. Mark told Oh My Goodness: “We looked at our farm and asked what [was] our definition of sustainability? We decided that first of all, in the context of the areas that we farm, we wanted to rebuild the ecosystem,”

More than 200,000 kilograms of non-perishable food items were collected by more than 10,000 volunteers across Essex County, New Jersey, for their Miracle Food Drive on 27th June.

The items donated to food banks will be given to those who are going through financial struggles during the pandemic.

June Muir from The Unemployed Help Centre's told AM800 News: "Today was their day, they came with trucks decorated, with food, they were excited and would pop out and say "we can help, what do you need', that's what it's about, helping your neighbours, helping people in a tough time. Who ever thought we'd have a pandemic and who thought we'd be prepared and have enough food?"

Fifteen-year-old Max Melia from the United Kingdom has invented Vybpro, a watch that can help stop people from subconsciously touching their faces and possibly contracting the coronavirus.

The watch recognises gestures that are associated with hand movements towards the face by combining unique technology and algorithms to differentiate between predicted face touchings and other hand movements. The watch vibrates every time the wearer's hand gets close to their face.

The teen has launched a crowd-funding campaign on Kickstarter to finalise development and get the watch to the market. The campaign has raised over £17,000 so far and the profits made from early sales will go towards providing free watches to vulnerable people and front line workers.

Check back next week for some more good news.


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