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As 2020 graduates, we knew we were already going to enter into a difficult job market, but with the pandemic it seemed almost impossible. After years of experience running blogs and news websites as part of our course, we thought it was about time that we start our own.

GenZennial launched on the date we were supposed to graduate from our course.

What does Genzennial mean?

A genzennial is someone born between 1991-2001 who identifies with both Millennial and Generation Z culture. 

The Editors


Hannah Wilson

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In between being called a Cockney by her dad because she lived in London for 3 years, northerner Hannah spends her time watching incredibly interesting yet somewhat-depressing documentaries. If she’s not glued to a tv screen, she’s either reading through CaucasianJames’ Twitter account, creating random designs on Canva or spending time with family. As well as designing and running the website, Hannah enjoys writing about tv (shocker), pop culture, and travel. And if she’s not doing any of those things, she’s probably asleep!


Derrian Douglas

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A born New Jerseyan, Derrian will be the first to tell you that people from New Jersey ‘don't talk like that’, and that she lives 15 minutes from the Jonas Brothers’s hometown. She’s a former theatre kid turned shower singer, true crime lover, and frequent Buzzfeed quiz taker. It wouldn’t be a conversation with Derrian if she didn’t say “like”, or quote Step Brothers, Mean Girls or Bridesmaids! Derrian’s always up for a gossip sesh over a boozy brunch or a couple of cocktails at one of her many favourite cocktail bars in London. If you see an article on the Jonas Brothers, Derrian definitely wrote it. When there isn’t a global pandemic going on, she’s probably thrift shopping in the posh areas of London or writing in a coffee shop and perfecting our social media presence.

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-12 at

Ashleigh Swan

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A Glasgow born gal, Ashleigh is the blonde bestie you need in your life. You can find her at your local Starbucks with a grande latte or at the local Italian with a glass of sparkling. If she’s not watching the Lizzie Mcguire Movie on repeat she's most definitely enjoying Madrid's local delicacy -  Enrique Iglesias. Ash loves travelling, especially in Europe -  she truly lives the Eat, Pray, Love life. She enjoys meeting people and telling their stories. 

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